KALPAKA AGRI FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY is a dynamic and forward-thinking agricultural enterprise that is proud to be incorporated under the Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, and operates in full compliance with the Companies Act of 2013.



Exporting high-quality vegetables and fruits is a significant endeavor for “KALPAKA AGRI FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY (KAFPCO).” To successfully export these products, KAFPCO would need to adhere to several key strategies and practices:

We are the central Exporter of the Fresh Vegetables and Fresh Fruits. We significantly bargain in Vegetables like Fresh Brinjal, Fresh Capsicum, Fresh Carrot, Fresh Chili, Fresh Cluster, Fresh Drumstick, Fresh Bottle Gourd, Fresh Green Peas, Fresh Lemon, Fresh Okra, Fresh Parwal, Fresh Red Onion, Fresh Sponge Gourd, Fresh Tindora, Fresh Tomato and so on. We significantly bargain in Fruits like Fresh Jackfruit, Fresh Mangoes, Fresh Guavas, Fresh Pears, Grapes, Fresh Dargon Fruit, Fresh Lichi, Fresh Papaya and so on

Quality Assurance:

Ensuring that the exported vegetables and fruits meet international quality standards is paramount. KAFPCO must implement stringent quality control measures throughout the production and post-harvest processes.

Variety Selection:

KAFPCO should carefully select varieties of vegetables and fruits that are not only well-suited to the local climate and soil but also meet the preferences and demands of the target export markets.

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP):

Following GAP principles is essential. This includes using safe and approved pesticides and fertilizers, proper irrigation techniques, and sustainable farming practices to minimize chemical residues and ensure food safety.


Implementing a traceability system helps track the origin and journey of each batch of produce, ensuring transparency and compliance with international standards. It also helps in case of any quality or safety issues.

Packaging and Grading:

Proper packaging and grading are crucial. The packaging should protect the produce during transit and storage while also enhancing its visual appeal. Labels and barcodes for traceability should be included.

Cold Chain Management:

Maintaining a seamless cold chain, from harvesting to transportation, is essential to preserve the freshness and quality of perishable items. Temperature-controlled storage and transportation facilities are critical.

Quality Control Labs:

Establishing on-site or nearby quality control labs helps in conducting regular tests and inspections to ensure that the exported produce meets the required quality and safety standards.

Market Research:

In-depth market research is vital to identify the demand for specific products in target export markets. Understanding consumer preferences and import regulations is crucial.

Compliance with Import Regulations:

KAFPCO should thoroughly understand and comply with the import regulations of the target countries, including phytosanitary and quarantine requirements.

Partnerships and Alliances:

Collaborating with export agencies, distributors, and international trading companies can help KAFPCO access new markets and distribution channels.


Obtaining internationally recognized certifications such as Global GAP, Organic, and Fair Trade can enhance the credibility of KAFPCO’s products in the global market.

Market Entry Strategies:

Develop a clear market entry strategy, which could include participating in international trade fairs, exhibitions, and trade missions to establish business connections and promote products.

Quality Control during Transit:

Monitoring the condition of the produce during transit is crucial. Investing in technology such as temperature and humidity sensors can help ensure the products arrive in excellent condition.

Customized Packaging:

Consider tailoring packaging to meet the preferences of target markets. This might include offering smaller or larger quantities, different packaging materials, or bilingual labels.

Promotion and Branding:

Create a strong brand image for KAFPCO’s produce in export markets through marketing efforts and promotional campaigns that highlight the quality, freshness, and sustainability of the products.

Exporting high-quality vegetables and fruits requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses product quality, safety, compliance, and market understanding. KAFPCO’s success in international markets will depend on its commitment to these principles and its ability to adapt to the specific needs and preferences of each target market.