KALPAKA AGRI FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY is a dynamic and forward-thinking agricultural enterprise that is proud to be incorporated under the Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, and operates in full compliance with the Companies Act of 2013.


Chairman Message

Dear Respected Visitors,

It is with immense pride and deep gratitude that I SURESH BABU K, welcome you to the digital gateway of the Kerala Agri Farmers Pro- ducers Company Limited (KAFPCO). I am honored to serve as the Chairman of this esteemed organization, and it is a privilege to share our story and vision with you. KAFPCO is not just an agricultural enterprise; it is a manifestation of a profound belief an unwavering commitment to the idea that ag- riculture is the lifeblood of our nation. Our journey is rooted in the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi, who proclaimed. “The soul of India lives in its villages. These words are etched in our hearts as a reminder of the sacred importance of agriculture in our nation’s narrative.

KAFPCO’s mission is a reflection of Gandhiji’s wisdom. We have committed ourselves to excellence in agriculture, producing the finest fruits and vegetables that grace your tables with the same reverence with which they were grown. Our journey is more than a business venture; it is a tribute to self- reliance and community. We have diversified our ventures, from KAFPCO Shoppy to KAFPCO Foods, always keeping Gandhiji’s vision at the forefront.

KAFPCO stands as a testament to the Government of India’s vision- ary decision to establish 10,000 Farmers Producers Companies for the sale of farmers’ products as value-added offerings. We are proud to be a part of this endeavor, contributing to the nation’s economic growth while nurturing our agricultural heritage. As you explore our website, we invite you to become a part of our journey-a journey that celebrates the spirit of agriculture, pre- serves our traditions, and sows the seeds of a more prosperous and sustainable tomorrow. Thank you for your trust and support. With warm regards, K. Suresh Babu

Chairman, Kerala Agri Farmers Producers Company (KAFPCO)

CEO Message

Dear Esteemed Visitors, Greetings from Kalpaka Agri Farmers Producers Company (KAFPCO)! 

I am Thomson P Joshua, the CEO of KAFPCO, and it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to our virtual home. At KAFPCO, our mission is to cultivate a sustainable, vibrant, and prosperous agricultural ecosystem. We are deeply committed to the values of integrity, innovation, and community. Our journey is one of unwavering dedication to the land, respect for our farmers, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in agriculture.

KAFPCO is not just a company; it’s a family of passionate individuals who share a common vision of a greener, healthier future. We believe in the power of responsible farming practices, cutting-edge technology, and collaboration to shape a brighter tomorrow. Our website is a window into the heart of KAFPCO. Here, you’ll discover  our diverse range of high-quality agricultural products, our commitment to sustainable farming, and the stories of the incredible farmers and producers who make KAFPCO what it is today. Invite you to explore our website, engage with our community, and be a part of our mission. Together, we can sow the seeds of change, nurture growth, and harvest a world where agriculture thrives, and communities flourish. Thank you for visiting KAFPCO, where passion meets purpose in every crop we grow and every life we touch.

Warm regards,

Thomson P Joshua CEO, Kalpaka Agri Farmers Producers Company (KAFPCO)